¿Qué hago después de la indulgencia en Nueva York?

Durante la pandemia de Covid 19, muchos propietarios experimentaron una reducción en los ingresos debido a la pérdida del trabajo, la reducción del salario, la pérdida de horas extra, la pérdida de ingresos por alquiler o alguna combinación de estos. Como resultado, es posible que se hayan atrasado en los pagos mensuales de su hipoteca. […]
Actualización de jurisprudencia: casos de ejecución hipotecaria y el estatuto de limitaciones

La Ley y Normas de Práctica Civil de Nueva York § 213 (4) establece un estatuto de limitaciones de seis años para las demandas de ejecución hipotecaria en Nueva York. Una vez que una hipoteca está en mora, el tenedor del pagaré de la hipoteca (que generalmente es el prestamista u otra parte a la que luego […]
La Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor está preparada para un nuevo liderazgo

En julio de 2010, el Congreso creó la Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor (CFPB, por sus siglas en inglés) como parte de la Ley de Protección al Consumidor y Reforma de Wall Street Dodd-Frank. El objetivo principal de la creación de la Oficina fue aumentar la eficiencia y la responsabilidad de nuestro gobierno mediante […]
Actualización de la corte del estado de Nueva York

Debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, el sistema judicial del estado de Nueva York cerró abruptamente los tribunales para la mayoría de las operaciones presenciales en marzo de 2020. El 19 de abril de 2021, el juez principal DiFiore anunció que todos los jueces y empleados judiciales volverán a trabajar en persona. operaciones antes del […]
The U.S. Trustee’s Means Test Figures

Updated Effective April 1, 2021 The U.S. Trustee Program, the division of the Department of Justice that oversees the bankruptcy process in the United States Federal Court, recently released updated median income data for each state. These income figures apply to all bankruptcy petitions filed on or after April 1, 2021. They are used to […]
Retail Bankruptcies and The Effects from Covid

If you walk through the streets of New York City, it is quickly evident that the Covid-19 Pandemic has taken not only toll on New Yorkers from a health perspective but from an economic perspective as well. From shuttered stores and restaurants, to the many “for lease” signs in locations that were the once home […]
Remote/Telephonic Hearings in Bankruptcy Court

There has never been a more convenient time to file for bankruptcy. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and until further notice, most court hearings and all 341(a) meeting of creditors are being conducted remotely by telephone. The 341(a) hearing is the mandatory court proceeding in which a court-appointed Trustee examines a debtor regarding […]
The Covid 19 Impact on Bankruptcy Filing in New York

While the Covid-19 pandemic continues to speared and surge across the U.S., it has also been causing economic devastation in its path. Surprisingly, although the pandemic with its business lockdowns that has led to record number of unemployed Americans, there has been a significant decrease in bankruptcy petitions filed over the past few months. This […]
Mortgage Forbearance Options

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, many homeowners are potentially eligible for mortgage relief in the form of a forbearance which can delay payments up to 360 days! If you have been financially affected by Covid-19, you will need to determine what type of forbearance you may be entitled to, if any. Under both […]
Should You Let Your Insurance Company Monitor Your Driving?

Many large auto insurers offer programs that will monitor you’re driving and give you a discount for safe driving. Additionally, there is one new insurance start-up that will require it. Is this discount worth the trade off in privacy? What Is Involved? The driving monitoring programs may use two different means to track your driving […]